Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Action Speaks...

... louder than words, or so I'm told. 2 things I've noticed about myself recently seem to accentuate this catechism.

Recently, as some associates have noticed, I've stopped wearing glasses. Somehow I wish I can wear glasses again because vision is hazy, point light sources appear blobbish et al. However, that's not going to happen for a while. What I'm trying to say here is that I've taken the bold step of having my eyes LASIKed.

Ok, so that is not exactly a momentous decision, but hey, up until last Thursday, it was only an idea I entertained. I've always thought about the day where I achieve perfect eyesight - no groping for spectacles after getting up from bed, none of that fumbling with shampoo and soap when showering, no more... I can really go on, but what for?

The crux of the matter is, I've finally realised an objective which I've only so far thought about. Its good to think over things, work on ideas, and analyse a situation in all its intricacies. But an idea / thought / objective remains what it is - erm, an idea / thought / objective. One really needs that something extra - the action. Thus its true - action does speak louder than words.

However, one must give 'thought' the merit its due. Without careful thought, its hard to make a rational decision. You should be able to recall those times where a rash decision was made without due process, only to realise, in the post-mortem, that some things should have been thought out first. Also, careful planning is required in certain cases - how is one supposed to act in a coordinated manner without planning a course of action?

So, it is important to think things through. But it is also important not to be locked down in analysis paralysis. Seek a balance between the two and you'll find life moving in a more firm, decisive direction; one that's tempered with sound judgement, gut feel, whatever you wish to call it.

Oh yes, I did mention there were 2 things. The second thing I've taken a decision on is to do an MBA. The real problem with this is that, unlike the previous idea, it is very complex. There is so much information and misinformation out in the Internet. Competition among schools are fierce and intense, with them all seeking to woo the student dollar. Cost and living expenses are also major variables in the calculation.

So much to think about that one can be swamped in details, mucked up in the minutiae. I've come to think that one should just focus - I need to keep asking myself: 'What is key? What is most important as a consideration?'

Action speaks - but does it speak for me?